
2019 TTWG Award Winners Announced

The Technology Transfer Working Group (TTWG) announces its 2019 awards

Office of Technology Transitions

November 8, 2019
minute read time

This fall, the Technology Transfer Working Group (TTWG) issued its annual awards celebrating DOE’s work in turning research into reality through commercialization. The group is comprised of the leading staff in technology transfer across DOE’s 17 National Laboratories, the “crown jewels” of the Department’s R&D enterprise. These awards celebrate the excellent work done by the labs to streamline and improve the commercialization process and focus on specific mission areas that ensure American competitiveness and security. Congratulations to these outstanding professionals for their dedication and service to the Department and our country.

Outstanding Service Award

The Outstanding Service in Technology Transfer Award recognizes a member of the TTWG who has shown exemplary dedication, service and commitment to the organization and the U.S. Department of Energy. This year's award was presented to Jason Martinez of Sandia National Laboratories

Jason Martinez TTWG award 2019

Best in Class Awards

The Best in Class Awards recognize U.S. Department of Energy members and teams who help pave the way in five categories: IP Management, IP Licensing, Partnering, Economic Development and Innovative Lab Technology Transfer. This award demonstrates an important example of moving technology from the lab to the marketplace—one that offers important benefits for our Nation and its people.

2019 TTWG Award Winners

IP Management

Ryan Bills, Idaho National Laboratory

IP Licensing

Bob Westervelt and Kevin Bieg, Sandia National Laboratories


National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Idaho National Laboratory

National Energy Technology Laboratory

Economic Development

Genaro Mempin, Patrick Dempsey, and Chris Spadaccini, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Innovative Lab Technology Transfer

Michael Paulus, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

This year’s awards were announced simultaneously with the Office of Technology Transitions’ (OTT) Practices to Accelerate the Commercialization of Technologies (PACT) Laboratory Call, in which Labs were asked to develop new ways to use teamwork as a force multiplier for their commercialization efforts. As part of the PACT selection, 12 projects will receive approximately $2.5 million in total funding.

  • Technology and Transitions and Early Investments
  • Commercial Implementation
  • National Labs
  • Federal Interagency Collaboration and Working Groups
  • Research, Technology, and Economic Security