Technology Transfer Working Group (TTWG)


With the passage of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, Title X, Sec. 1001, the Secretary of Energy was directed to establish the Technology Transfer Working Group (TTWG), which serves to coordinate technology transfer activities, exchange information about technology transfer practices, and develop and disseminate to the public and prospective technology partners information about opportunities and procedures for technology transfer with the Department.

The TTWG primarily includes technology transfer professionals from the National Laboratories, single purpose research facilities and production facilities, and DOE field elements. The TTWG works together to improve the technology transfer and commercialization activities of the laboratories, facilities, and the Department.


The TTWG operates to address technology transfer activities, issues, and concerns at the working level. This group does not establish policy but works collegially under the oversight of and in coordination with OTT and in conjunction with the Technology Transfer Policy Board (TTPB), which was created in 2007 by the Secretary of Energy to support DOE Headquarters coordination of technology transfer policy. The TTWG also coordinates with the National Laboratory Technology Transfer Council (NLTT), a self-organized, self-governing body under the National Laboratory Director’s Council (NLDC).

The objectives of the TTWG are to:

  1. Facilitate communication between the TTWG membership, OTT, TTPB, and NLTT.
  2. Engage with OTT on outward focused activities.
  3. In close coordination with OTT, improve technology transfer and commercialization activities across the Department by: 
    • Enhancing existing initiatives and processes and, where appropriate, recommending new initiatives and processes;
    • Promoting consistency of purpose and process across DOE field elements and laboratories/facilities; and
    • Functioning as a “facilitator” to supplement existing DOE field elements and laboratory/facility reviews, comments, and recommendations on new initiatives.
  4. Exchange information about technology transfer and commercialization best practices on a wide range of matters, including:
    • Providing access to services/opportunities to technology transfer professionals across the Department, such as peer mentoring and professional development;
    • Working collaboratively with OTT to collect and report impactful technology transfer metrics;
    • Developing and publicly disseminating information about opportunities and procedures for technology transfer within the Department;
    • Developing and publicly disseminating alternative approaches to resolution of disagreements and/or roadblocks involving intellectual property;
    • Enhancing communication across the Department by fostering a “team” approach among the laboratories/facilities, OTT, TTPB, NLTT, and the DOE field elements – encouraging mutual buy-in;
    • Addressing process and procedure issues for multi-laboratory partnerships and agreements; and
    • Providing an avenue to raise and discuss issues of concern to members and their respective organizations.
  5. Administer a Technology Transfer Awards Program jointly with OTT to recognize excellence in technology transfer practices at the Labs/Facilities.
  6. Lead communications on behalf of Labs/Facilities for the benefit of national efforts, including but not limited to the Federal Laboratory Consortium (FLC) and interagency committees.

Technology Transfer Working Group Documents:

TTWG Charter

This charter incorporates previous organizations’ roles and responsibilities, addresses the requirements of the Energy Policy Act for a TTWG, and establishes the purpose, roles, and responsibilities of the TTWG.

TTWG Licensing Guide and Sample License

This licensing guide provides a general understanding of typical contract terms and provisions to help reduce both time and cost to license intellectual property (IP) from DOE's Laboratories.

TTWG Guide to Partnering with the National Laboratories

The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of the various mechanisms available for partnering with the national labs, provide contact information for technology transfer professionals, and to address Frequently Asked Questions.