Office of Project Management (PM) Services
The mission of the Office of Project Management (PM) is to add value to project management for the Department and the U.S. taxpayer, through policy, guidance, and independent assessments. PM's vision is to promote a culture of excellence in project management, and to provide independent timely, reliable, and accurate project information to senior leadership to enable the best-informed decisions.
In support of this mission, the Office provides the following services:
Project Management Workshop
The annual DOE Project Management Workshop continues the tradition of providing opportunities to discuss projects and project challenges with senior leadership, share lessons learned, and recognize excellence. Click here to learn more about the workshop.
Project Management Awards
Each year, the Department recognizes projects that have demonstrated excellence in the project management discipline. Click here to learn more about Project Management Awards.
Performance Metrics
The Office of Project Management (PM) provides a monthly assessment of DOE’s portfolio of capital assets projects, which is summarized in the monthly Project Dashboard report. The Office publishes quarterly metrics that track overall Contract and Project Management Improvement Performance Metrics and Targets. Click here to learn more about Performance Metrics.
Earned Value Management
Earned Value Management (EVM) is a systematic approach to the integration and measurement of cost, schedule, and technical (scope) accomplishments on a project or task. It provides both the government and contractors the ability to examine detailed schedule information, critical program and technical milestones, and cost data. Click here to learn more about EVM.