Oak Ridge Site Specific Advisory Board

orssab fy 2023 full board photo

The Oak Ridge Site Specific Advisory Board (ORSSAB) is a federally appointed citizens’ panel that provides independent advice and recommendations to the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management (OREM).

The board's mission is to provide informed advice and recommendations concerning site specific issues related to the DOE EM program. To provide unbiased evaluation and recommendations on DOE’s cleanup efforts related to the Oak Ridge site, the Board seeks opportunities for input through collaborative dialogue with the communities surrounding the Oak Ridge Reservation, governmental regulators, and other stakeholders.

​The ORSSAB work plan guides activities during the year. Suggestions for work plan topics are provided by DOE OREM, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC), and ORSSAB members prior to the Board’s annual meeting. Work plan topics are selected from the suggestions provided at the annual meeting. Topics are then incorporated into the ORSSAB Work Plan/Schedule. This work plan, which is a “living document,” is updated as needed as the board year progresses. 

The board's overall process is guided by its bylaws. Summaries of its activities are provided in annual reports.

About the Board

  • The board is composed of up to 22 members chosen to reflect the diversity of gender, race, occupation, views, and interests of people living near the DOE Oak Ridge Reservation.

    Non-voting liaisons include representatives from DOE’s EM program, EPA Region 4, and TDEC. Non-voting student participants also serve on the board to represent the viewpoints and concerns of area youth.

    Meet the members

  • ORSSAB uses its committee structure to achieve its mission and conduct many of its tasks. Each year the board conducts a planning meeting to determine the best ways to address its responsibilities and most effective committee structure.

    The current structure includes the Executive Committee and one subcommittee — the Environmental Management and Stewardship Committee.

    Local residents and members of the public  can attend and participate in committee meetings regardless of board membership.

    Learn more about ORSSAB's committees

  • Become a member

    Technical expertise is not required for board membership, since we desire a broad spectrum of backgrounds and viewpoints. Members learn as they serve. New members are provided a welcome packet with resources to familiarize themselves with the board and the history of OREM cleanup. You can see much of that information on our ORSSAB New Member Education webpage, including relevant publications, rules governing the board, and video training. One of the first activities for new members is a tour of the DOE sites.

    Applicants do not have to be solely from Oak Ridge. We particularly encourage residents from the counties most affected by DOE operations: Anderson, Blount, Campbell, Knox, Loudon, Meigs, Morgan, Roane, and Union. All applicants are welcome to participate in board activities and meetings as members of the public regardless of whether they are selected to serve as a member of the board.

    Attend meetings

    Members of the public are welcome to participate in board activities and meetings. Members of the public may fully participate in committee meetings, including voting.

    All meetings are held at the DOE Information Center, 1 Science.Gov Way in Oak Ridge unless otherwise stated, and meeting materials for current and past meetings are available online. Generally, the meeting agenda is posted before the meeting and meeting presentations, minutes or other materials are available shortly after the meeting has taken place.

    Subscribe to our newsletters

    Email [email protected] or call the ORSSAB support office at 865-241-4583 or 241-4584 to receive ORSSAB's weekly email newsletter, Tuesday Newsday, or its quarterly publication, The Advocate.

Latest Meetings

The full board meets the second Wednesday of most months at 6 p.m. ET. Visit our meeting pages below to find meeting records and videos.

To attend meetings virtually or to have your public comment included at the live event, please email [email protected] one week in advance. Public comment will be accepted for five days after the meeting and included in the written record.


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