EM Site-Specific Advisory Board

Upcoming Events

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The EM Site-Specific Advisory Board (EM SSAB) was created to involve stakeholders more directly in EM cleanup decisions. When stakeholders share their opinions by becoming involved in cleanup discussions, federal decision-making and cleanup activities are improved. Public input helps agencies to make decisions that are cost effective, community specific and environmentally sound, which leads to faster, safer cleanups.

In accordance with its charter, the EM SSAB exists to provide the EM senior management with information, advice and recommendations concerning issues affecting the EM program at various sites.  Specifically, at the request of the Assistant Secretary or the site managers, the board may provide advice and recommendations concerning the following EM site-specific issues: clean-up activities and environmental restoration; waste and nuclear materials management and disposition; excess facilities; future land use and long-term stewardship; risk assessment; and communications.

The EM SSAB’s activities are governed by the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), which was enacted to ensure that the general public has access to advisory board deliberations and recommendations.  While only one FACA-chartered EM SSAB exists, eight local boards have been organized under its umbrella charter.  They include the Hanford Advisory Board, Idaho Cleanup Project Citizens Advisory Board, Northern New Mexico Citizens’ Advisory Board, Nevada SSAB, Oak Ridge SSAB, Savannah River Site Citizens Advisory BoardPortsmouth SSAB and Paducah Citizens Advisory Board.

Members of the Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board (EM SSAB), federal staff, and contractors pose in the James V. Forrestal Building during the Spring 2023 EM SSAB Chairs Meeting in Washington, DC
Members of the Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board (EM SSAB), federal staff, and contractors pose in the James V. Forrestal Building during the Spring 2023 EM SSAB Chairs Meeting in Washington, DC.

Local site board membership, which reflects a diversity of views, cultures and demographics from affected communities and regions, is composed primarily of people who are directly affected by site cleanup activities. Members include stakeholders from local governments, tribal nations, environmental and civic groups, labor organizations, universities, industry and other interested citizens.



A large group of people in yellow safety vests pose at a work site for a group picture

Members of the Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board (EM SSAB), federal staff, and contractors tour the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant before the Spring 2024 EM SSAB Chairs Meeting in Piketon, OH.



  •  Submitting advice and recommendations to EM on site-specific issues  
  •  Representing and communicating the diversity of community views in their discussions
  •  Keeping the public informed on key issues, upcoming decisions and board recommendations


  • Keeping the Board informed about key issues and upcoming decisions
  • Requesting advice well in advance of DOE deadlines
  • Considering and responding in a timely manner to all Board recommendations
  • Providing adequate funding for administrative and technical support



Chairs Meetings

Recommendations & Letters

Additional Information

How Can You Get Involved?

Advisory Board meetings serve as a two-way exchange between members of the public and DOE. They always include a public comment and question/answer period through which you can voice your issues or submit written questions. DOE responds to the comments and considers them during decision-making.

If you are interested in serving on a local board, please contact the office nearest you.

Video Url
A general overview of DOE’s Office of Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Boards.
U.S. Department of Energy


Kelly Snyder
Designated Federal Officer
(702) 918-6715
[email protected]