March 9-10, 2022 Meeting of the Electricity Advisory Committee

The U.S. Department of Energy's Electricity Advisory Committee will conduct its March meeting virtually.

To track attendees, registration is required using the links above for each day you plan on attending. Materials for the meeting will be provided at least one week prior to the meeting.

Public Participation

The EAC welcomes the attendance of the public at its meetings. Individuals who wish to offer public comments at the EAC meeting may do so on March 10 but must register in advance by 5PM Eastern time on March 9. Approximately 20 minutes will be reserved for public comments. Time allotted per speaker will depend on the number who wish to speak but is not expected to exceed three minutes. Anyone who is not able to attend the meeting, or for whom the allotted public comments time is insufficient to address pertinent issues with the EAC, is invited to send a written statement identified by “Electricity Advisory Committee March 2022 Meeting,” to Mr. Matt Aronoff at [email protected]

  • Video Url
    DOE Electricity Advisory Committee March 2022 Day 1
    Video courtesy of the Department of Energy

    Day 1 presentations:

    Facilitating the Integration and Commercialization of Energy Storage: How DOE can Leverage its Role and Resources

    Data Interoperability for a Smooth Transition of EV Deployment

  • Video Url
    DOE Electricity Advisory Committee March 2022 Day 2
    Video courtesy of the Department of Energy

    Day 2 presentations:

    Update and Discussion on Section 8008 Voluntary Model Pathways Development

    Subcommittee Update: Energy Storage

    Subcommittee Update: Smart Grid