Energy Storage

The Office of Electricity’s (OE) Energy Storage Division’s research and leadership drive DOE’s efforts to rapidly deploy technologies commercially and expedite grid-scale energy storage in meeting future grid demands. The Division advances research to identify safe, low-cost, and earth-abundant elements for cost-effective long-duration energy storage. OE’s development of innovative tools improves storage reliability and safety, analysis, and performance validation.

Key Programs

Outside exterior shot of Grid Storage Launchpad research facility with sign in the foreground.

OE Energy Storage Facilities

  • Grid Storage Launchpad: Co-locating testing of next-generation materials and 100 kWh early-stage demonstrations for emerging technologies at a world class research center. 

Strategic Efforts

Logo for EarthShots is a circle with two more concentric circles inside. It reads earthshots storage
Energy Secuity Grand Challenge logo

Cross-cutting DOE Collaborations

  • Energy Storage Grand Challenge: Increasing America’s global leadership in energy storage through a DOE-wide effort led by OE and EERE to develop, commercialize, and use next-generation technologies.
  • Long-Duration Storage Shot: Reducing grid-scale storage costs by 90% within the decade for systems that deliver 10+ hours through a variety efforts coordinated by the ESGC.