Rapid Operational Validation Initiative (ROVI)

About ROVI

There are many innovative energy storage technologies being developed today that are promising candidates to achieve important cost and performance targets, such as DOE’s Long Duration Storage Shot, and ultimately reach widespread commercial deployment needed to facilitate a reliable, clean, and affordable electricity system of the future. The focus of Office of Electricity’s Rapid Operational Validation Initiative (ROVI) is to greatly reduce time required for emerging energy storage technologies to go from lab to market by developing new tools that will accelerate the testing and validation process needed to ensure commercial success. To develop these tools, ROVI will employ innovative data science methods such artificial intelligence and machine learning that will leverage large sets of energy storage performance data at different scales to facilitate generating lifetime performance predictions for new technologies with minimal real-time testing required. 

A graphic illustrating the cycle of the ROVI initiative, how Data feeds Analysis tools, which feeds accelerated testing, which amplifies data in turn.

Data Contribution

Accomplishing ROVI will require a wide range of data inputs (e.g., cell level tests, module testing and complete systems) and integration of that data into a standardized format that is consistent across technology types and scales (e.g., laboratory, field, and synthetic data). On this webpage you can find the files that describe the specific data points energy storage projects must contribute to be compliant with ROVI as well as requirements for data collecting, formatting, and transmitting. Participants must fill out the workplan template to describe their energy storage project and approach for meeting the ROVI requirements.  If you wish to participate in ROVI by contributing data, please fill out the workplan template and send it to  [email protected] to determine if your project is eligible.