This week's awards: IDP's Calcined Clay Production for Limestone Calcined Clay Cement
Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations
October 16, 2024On Wednesdays, OCED will announce the latest projects that have successfully completed award negotiations. OCED will only issue an Award Wednesday notification on weeks when an award has been finalized.
Industrial Demonstrations Program
Calcined Clay Production for Limestone Calcined Clay Cement
OCED awarded the Calcined Clay Production for Limestone Calcined Clay Cement project—led by Roanoke Cement Company—with more than $1.1 million (of the total project federal cost share of up to $61.7 million) to begin Phase 1 activities. Roanoke Cement Company plans to demonstrate the ability to utilize widely available clay types to minimize the use of clinker, the most carbon-intensive component in cement production. This project would also help validate the market for calcined clays in a region with high demand for the material and anticipates reducing the carbon intensity by an approximate 83% compared to products with clinker.
During Phase 1 of the project, Roanoke Cement Company will perform preliminary engineering for the project, validate clay reserves and properties, provide documentation and reports necessary for OCED to complete the National Environmental Policy Act review, and continue engagement activities with the community, project partners, and stakeholders.
View the project fact sheet and community benefits commitments summary here. Learn more about engagement opportunities here.