Lake Charles Carbon Capture and Sequestration Project, Lake Charles, Louisiana and Brazoria County, Texas
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
May 3, 2013Lake Charles Carbon Capture and Sequestration Project, Lake Charles, Louisiana and Brazoria County, Texas
This draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) provides information about the potential environmental impacts associated with the Department of Energy’s (DOE's) proposed action to provide financial assistance to Leucadia Energy, LLC (Leucadia) and with Leucadia’s proposed Lake Charles Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) project. DOE’s proposed action would provide financial assistance to Leucadia under the Industrial Carbon Capture and Sequestration (ICCS) Program to support construction and operation of Leucadia’s Lake Charles CCS project. DOE proposes to provide Leucadia with up to $261.4 million, which would constitute about 60 percent of the estimated $435.6 million total development and capital cost of the project. The Lake Charles CCS project would demonstrate the capture of carbon dioxide from an industrial facility for use in an existing, commercial enhanced oil recovery (EOR) operation in the West Hastings oil field. The industrial source of carbon dioxide would be a newly constructed gasification plant that converts petroleum coke into hydrogen gas, methanol, and other products.