Final Environmental Assessment for Weld Solar Project; Weld County, Colorado (DOE/EA-2178).
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
February 26, 2024Weld Solar Project; Weld County, CO
This EA evaluates the environmental impacts of the Weld Solar's request for an interconnection of the Project to the WAPA transmission system at the Ault Substation. This interconnection would consist of an interconnection switchyard and substation located on approximately 12 acres directly adjacent to the north side of the existing substation. In addition to the solar facility and gen-tie, the proposed Project would include an on-site substation, BESS, and ancillary facilities including inverters, perimeter fencing, roads, and a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system.
Weld Solar, LLC (Weld Solar) is proposing to construct, operate, maintain, and decommission an up to 150-megawatt (MW) nameplate capacity solar photovoltaic (PV) facility and a 100-MW battery energy storage system (BESS) with a storage duration of 4 hours (the Weld Solar Project [Project]) on approximately 1,028 acres of private land and 472 acres of state land approximately 4 miles northwest of Ault in Weld County, Colorado. The proposed Project’s generation tie-in (gen-tie) line would interconnect with Western Area Power Administration’s (WAPA’s) adjacent Ault Substation.
For more information, see Weld Solar Project.