Provides suggested language for workplace charging policies to help agencies define requirements for charging privately owned vehicles.
Federal Energy Management Program
November 12, 2020Report serves as a program guide to support federal agencies in developing their own policy documents for workplace charging. It provides suggested language that agencies can incorporate into their own policies to define requirements for charging privately owned vehicles (POVs) on government-owned or leased property. The Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act authorizes the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) and other federal agencies to install, operate, and maintain electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) for POVs in parking areas used by federal employees and authorized users, and it requires the collection of fees to recover the costs of installing, operating, and maintaining this equipment.
This report offers details for agency facility managers, transportation personnel, employees, and vendors regarding the charging of electric vehicles (EVs) for use by employees and personnel at government-owned and leased buildings. The guide describes the requirements associated with federal agencies providing EV charging in publicly accessible sites. The policy also describes when and how fees may be imposed to cover costs of electricity, as well as EVSE units and installations in various scenarios.
Federal Workplace Charging Fee Calculator
The FEMP Workplace Charging Fee Calculator is a supplement to the FEMP Federal Workplace Charging Program Guide. This calculator provides a user-friendly approach to determine the necessary fee structures to recoup the costs associated with workplace charging services.
Estimating Electricity Consumption in Federal Electric Vehicles Calculator
The EV Electricity in GGE Calculator provides a methodology to estimate electricity consumption in kilowatt-hours or gasoline gallon equivalents (GGE) based on electric miles driven in the prior year. Actual energy consumption is preferred for year-end reporting in FAST. Electricity consumption in kilowatt-hours is often available on EV dashboards, mobile phone applications, or desktop applications.