DOE/EIS-0442: Final Environmental Impact Statement

Final DOE/EIS-0442 on WAPA vegetation management along transmission line ROWs on National Forest System lands in CO, UT, NE.

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

August 7, 2020
minute read time

Reauthorization of Permits, Maintenance, and Vegetation Management on Western Area Power Administration Transmission Lines on Forest Service Lands, CO, UT, NE

This Final EIS was prepared jointly by DOE’s Western Area Power Administration and the U.S. Forest Service. It evaluates the potential environmental impacts of Western’s proposed changes to vegetation management along its transmission line rights-of-way on National Forest System lands in Colorado, Utah, and Nebraska.

For more information, see Reauthorization of Permits, Maintenance, and Vegetation Management on Western Area Power Administration Transmission Lines on Forest Service Lands, CO, UT, NE.