The Market Analysis team at the Office of Technology Transitions (OTT) maintains a suite of activities assessing market dynamics to inform DOE strategy and activities. This work supports OTT’s mission of accelerating commercialization of energy technologies across the Department of Energy and National Lab complex.
OTT Market Analysis activities pursue the DOE mission in multiple ways:
- Bring market intelligence and market-pull thinking to bear on DOE strategy and activities
- Ensure DOE decisionmakers have access to best available market data and analysis
- Support lab analytical capabilities to identify and pursue licensing and commercialization opportunities
- Provide a framework and shared language to understand and assess market adoption risks and opportunities
- Develop and maintain a common fact base across multiple technology markets to inform DOE understanding of commercialization pathways
OTT Market Analysis includes several focus areas to support these objectives:
Pathways to Commercial Liftoff
The Pathways to Commercial Liftoff effort provides decisionmakers with a data-driven fact base to assess how and when various technologies could reach full-scale commercial adoption.
The Pathways to Commercial Liftoff Report series is a cross-DOE effort that has been steered by OTT’s Market Analysis team. The 12 Liftoff reports released to date provide a common analytical fact base and critical signposts for investment decisions in specific technology areas. Liftoff findings inform DOE strategy, activities, and decisions while enabling follow-on public-private collaborations to advance technology commercialization.
Learn more about the Liftoff reports here.
Adoption Readiness Levels
The Adoption Readiness Level (ARL) framework, developed by OTT, provides a shared language and framework to understand critical risks to successful technology market adoption. The Market Analysis team works to integrate the ARL framework into DOE and external initiatives to advance technology commercialization. ARLs are currently being applied both within the DOE and national lab complex and with external industry and academic partners.
Learn more about ARLs here.
Supply Chain Analyses
The MA team supports supply chain analysis across DOE, working closely with MESC and other offices to conduct market research on domestic manufacturing, supply chains, and critical materials. The team combines the latest market intelligence and modeling to monitor supply risks and opportunities, identifying strategic pathways to support and expand U.S. manufacturing.
Data and Subscription Services
OTT Market Analysis supports the integration of private sector perspectives into DOE activities and decision-making by enabling access to best-in-class, third- party market intelligence platforms across the Department. Examples of this type of market intelligence include data on early-stage investments, capital formation in particular technologies or sectors, power capacity additions, and real-time energy prices and volumes. The team also pursues efficient procurement of this data by streamlining market data access across DOE Headquarters.
Lab-based Projects
OTT’s Market Analysis team works across the entire DOE lab complex to support market analysis activities and lab efforts to commercialize new technologies. These projects bring industry and private sector insights to bear on lab activities, where appropriate, and support lab market analysis capacity building.
Market Analysis Community of Practice (MACOP)
The Market Analysis team leads the Market Analysis Community of Practice (MACOP) at the Department, which is made up from representatives from all 17 National Labs and headquarters offices. MACOP supports collaboration on market analysis and technology commercialization across the entire lab complex.
Piloting Innovative Market Analysis Mechanisms
OTT’s Market Analysis team partners with offices across the DOE to develop quick-turn analyses making use of the expertise of private industry partners.
Learn more about Partnership Intermediary Agreements here.
Energy Storage Grand Challenge
OTT’s Market Analysis team is a founding member and supporter of the Energy Storage Grand Challenge (ESGC). OTT’s role in the ESGC is to maximize the impact of DOE energy storage activities on successful commercialization and scale-up outcomes in the market.
Learn more about the Energy Storage Grand Challenge here.