The Department of Energy (DOE) is currently running a Partnership Intermediary Agreement (PIA) Pilot. DOE maintains three Partnership Intermediary Agreements (PIAs) with ENERGYWERX, ConnectWerx, and TechWerx as part of this pilot. These partner intermediaries (PIs) increase cooperative and joint activities between DOE and small business firms, institutes of higher education, non-traditional performers, and innovative collaborators enabling the rapid development, scaling, commercialization, and deployment of relevant technologies and solutions.
ENERGYWERX, TechWerx and ConnectWerx represent DOE’s PI team and collectively assist in administering programs and accelerating partnership formation in support of DOE’s missions to expand development and deployment of clean energy solutions, heighten energy security, and strengthen national security ecosystems. Since its initiation in April 2023, DOE’s PIA Pilot has enabled projects addressing key DOE priorities such as American manufacturing, siting and permitting, tribal and community engagement, informing DOE decision-making, and accelerating technology commercialization.
ENERGYWERX, TechWerx and ConnectWerx are partnerships that were openly competed and awarded through a Broad Agency Announcement. DOE’s PIA service is led by the DOE Office of Technology Transitions and is available to support all DOE program offices.”
For a comprehensive understanding of PIAs, please refer to the "U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY PARTNERSHIP INTERMEDIARY INTERIM PILOT GUIDE". This guide offers detailed information regarding the governance and use of a PIA under the Department's Partnership Intermediary Pilot, aimed to benefit stakeholders across the DOE.