
The Office of Technology Transitions (OTT) funds programs that guide interactions between the Department, DOE’s National Laboratories, and the private sector in collaborative research, strategic partnerships, facilities access, and technology transfer. We are constantly improving existing programs and practices, identifying whitespaces, and building new initiatives and tools to enhance the impact of DOE investments. 

OTT manages the Technology Commercialization Fund (TCF) that leverages applied energy program funding to mature promising energy technologies with the potential for high impact.

  • The Base Annual Appropriations TCF is an estimated $40 million annual program that supports the commercialization of National Lab, plant, and site developed technologies and the build out of the National Lab commercialization ecosystem. 

OTT also oversees implementing the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law TCF (BIL TCF), which provides over $275 million of funding over five years for programming that supports the commercialization of promising energy technologies while simultaneously enhancing and supporting BIL provision activities. Our Energy Program for Innovation Clusters (EPIC) is a $5-million program to encourage the robust growth of regional energy innovation ecosystems across the United States through incubators and innovation‑accelerating organizations.

Developed by OTT, the Practices to Accelerate the Commercialization of Technologies (PACT) Laboratory Call encouraged Labs to develop new ways to increase technology commercialization by reducing barriers to accessing Labs’ capabilities, lowering transaction costs and improving the complex’s ability to serve the private sector effectively.