Bio-Restore Workshop Presentations

The following are presentations from the Bio-Restore Workshop held on September 25–26, 2019:


Day 1 – Morning Presentations

Bio-Restore Workshop: Background and Objectives, Kristen Johnson, DOE Bioenergy Technologies Office

Harmful Algal Blooms as Feedstock, Alina Corcoran, Los Alamos National Laboratory (Prezi presentation)

Data Solutions and Value Capture Propositions to Support Bioenergy Crops, Nick Goeser, Craigson Innovation Group

Tools for Quantifying Carbon Intensity of Bioenergy Feedstocks, David Lee, Booz Allen Hamilton 

Attached Algae Cultivation for Coupling Remediation of Runoff with Biomass Production, Ryan Davis, Sandia National Laboratories

Bringing Ecosystem Services into the Equation, Yetta Jager, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Assessment and Valorization of Ecosystem Services through Field Research and Scale Up, Cristina Negri, Argonne National Laboratory


Day 1 – Afternoon 3x5 Presentations

Sustainability Research at Great Lakes Bioenergy, Phil Robertson, Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center

Current Research Status of Perennial Grasses for the U.S. Bioeconomy: USDA-ARS, Marty Schmer, U.S. Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Research Service

Integrated Landscape Management: Pathway to Reduce Biomass Access Costs and Balance Logistics and Sustainability Outcomes in Agricultural Fields, Michael Griffel, Idaho National Laboratory

Integrating Shrub Willow Crops into the Landscape to Address Environmental and Community Challenges While Producing Bioenergy and Bioproducts, Timothy A. Volk, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry

Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproducts Innovation Overview, Emily Heaton, Iowa State University

Gene by Environment Considerations, Christina Steadman, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Near-Term Algal Biorefineries for Co-Production of Clean Water, Bioproducts, and Biofuels, Shelley Blackwell, MicroBio Engineering Inc.

MiProbE: A Real-Time Cloud-Based Microbial Sensor Platform, Evan Taylor, MiProbE

Highlights of Isolated Mixotrophic Extremophiles for Application in Animal Wastewater Systems, Shulin Chen, Washington State University