Analyzes the interconnection of the proposed Wellton-Mohawk Generating Facility. The EIS was canceled.
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
August 6, 2019Wellton-Mohawk Generating Facility; Yuma County, Arizona
DOE’s Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), with the Bureau of Land Management and Bureau of Reclamation as cooperating agencies, issued draft DOE/EIS-0358, which analyzed the potential environmental impacts of an application to interconnect the proposed Wellton-Mohawk Generating Facility to WAPA’s transmission system in the vicinity of Wellton, Arizona, 25 miles east of Yuma. The proposal included a natural gas-fired, combined-cycle, electric generating facility, with solar collection field; a facility natural gas pipeline to supply natural gas; newly constructed and upgraded transmission lines; substation modifications; and access roads.
DOE/EIS-0358 was canceled in 2006.
For more information, see Wellton-Mohawk Generating Facility.