Impact Assessments

DOE Privacy Impact Assessments

Required by Section 208 of the E-Government Act of 2002 and OMB Memorandum 03-22, a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) is a decision tool and process used by the Department of Energy (DOE) to identify, assess, and mitigate privacy risks associated with information systems, programs,  projects, and other initiatives. Additionally, PIAs provide notice to the public concerning 

  • What Personally Identifiable Information (PII) DOE is collecting; 
  • Why the PII is being collected; and 
  • How the PII will be collected, used, accessed, shared, safeguarded, and stored.

PIAs assess risk by applying the universally recognized Fair Information Practice Principles (FIPPs) to Department systems and programs. If a PIA is required, system owners will work with the Office of Privacy Management and Compliance to complete the PIA. Upon completion, the Chief Privacy Officer will review and approve the PIA.

Below is a list of DOE's public-facing PIAs. The list below is organized in alphabetical order by Departmental Element. PIAs are updated, reviewed, approved, and uploaded on a regular basis.

Bonneville Power Administration

BPA Application Analytics (AA)
BPA Agency Efficiency Monitoring (AEM)
BPA Agency Enterprise Portal (AEP) Customer Portal (CP)
BPA Agency Enterprise Portal (AEP) Enterprise Public Portal (EPP)
BPA Agency Rate Case (ARC)
BPA Asset Suite 9
BPA Avtec
BPA Bonneville Energy Efficiency Tracking System (BEETS)
BPA Billing Invoice Lookup System (BILS)
BPA Budget, Planning, Forecasting, and Analysis System (BPFAS)
BPA Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program and Monitoring Resources (CBFish)
BPA Customer Contracts Management (CCM)
BPA Chargepoint
BPA CRHWebsite
BPA Cultural Assessment Survey Tool (CAST)
BPA Customer Data Management and Central Mailing List System BAE-GSS
BPA Daily Activity Record Tracking (DART)
BPA Data Integration and Reporting
BPA Docusign
BPA E2Shop
BPA Erwin Data Modeler
BPA FileServers
BPA Flightdocs
BPA Financial Management System (FMS)
BPA Business Continuity Portal, Global Alert Link (GAL)
BPA PeopleSoft Human Capital Management (HRMIS)
BPA Integrated Facilities Management (IFM)
BPA Knowbe4
BPA Land Information System (LIS)
BPA Meltwater
BPA Mentalix
BPA Netbackup
BPA Online Lighting Calculator (OLC)
BPA Outage Management System (OMS)
BPA Occupational Safety & Health Information System (OSHIS)
BPA Parking Program
BPA Physical Infrastructure Program - Critical Area Security (PIPCAS)
BPA Project Requirements Diagram (PRD) Comment Tracking System
BPA Quarterly Access Verification (QAV)
BPA ResolverGRC
BPA Researching Images Video Etc Resources (RIVER)
BPA Residential Purchase and Sales Agreement (RPSA)
BPA Schedule Anywhere
BPA SharePoint
BPA SharePoint HSPD12
BPA Skyrouter
BPA Transmission Asset Portfolio Management (TAPM)
BPA TariffShark_Tiger
BPA Transmission Asset System (TAS)
BPA Teammate
BPA Transmission Identity Manager (TIM)
BPA Transmission System Ratings (TSR)
BPA Vegetation Management System (VMS)
BPA Webex

Fossil Energy and Carbon Management

General Counsel

Human Capital

Intelligence and Counterintelligence

Manufacturing and Energy Supply Chains

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Strategic Petroleum Reserve Office