Supplement Analyses (SA)

A document that DOE prepares in accordance with DOE NEPA regulations (10 CFR 1021.314(c)) to determine whether a supplemental or new EIS should be prepared pursuant to CEQ NEPA regulations (40 CFR 1502.9(c)).

Note: To view additional SAs issued by Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), please visit the following webpage: For example, SAs issued for BPA’s Transmission System Vegetation Management Program EIS (DOE/EIS-0285) may be found under “Program Reviews,” then “Transmission System Vegetation Management Program….”

Regarding Remote-Handled Transuranic Waste Identified in the DOE Programmatic Spent Nuclear Fuel Management and Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Programs
INL Site Portion of the April 1995 Programmatic Spent Nuclear Fuel Management and Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Programs