Categorical Exclusion Determinations: Utah

Association of American State Geologist Submissions to the National Geothermal Data System - Utah CX(s) Applied: B3.1, B3.6 Date: 05/01/2012 Location(s): Utah Offices(s): Golden Field Office
Utah Expansion of Alternative Fueling Infrastructure - Lehi Compressed Natural Gas Station CX(s) Applied: B5.22 Date: 04/18/2012 Location(s): Utah Offices(s): National Energy Technology Laboratory
Multiple Structure Replacement Flaming Gorge to Vernal No. 1 138 Kilovolt Transmission Line CX(s) Applied: B1.3 Date: 03/29/2012 Location(s): Utah Offices(s): Western Area Power Administration-Rocky Mountain Region
Structure Replacement Flaming Gorge-Vernal No.3 138 Kilovolt Transmission Line CX(s) Applied: B4.6 Date: 03/06/2012 Location(s): Utah Offices(s): Western Area Power Administration-Rocky Mountain Region
Sustainable Energy Solutions LLC - Cryogenic Carbon Capture (Phase 2) CX(s) Applied: B3.6, B3.9 Date: 01/24/2012 Location(s): Utah, Wyoming Offices(s): Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy