Categorical Exclusion Determinations: Nevada

Herbicide Application at Four Substations: Amargosa, Boulder City, Henderson, and Mead located in Nevada during Fiscal Year 2014 CX(s) Applied: B1.3 Date: 07/01/2013 Location(s): Nevada Offices(s): Western Area Power Administration-Desert Southwest Re...
Pest Control within Buildings at 44 Substations in Arizona, California and Nevada CX(s) Applied: B1.3 Date: 06/06/2013 Location(s): Arizona, California, Nevada Offices(s): Western Area Power Administration-Desert Southwest Region
Detachment Faulting and Geothermal Resources - An Innovative Integrated Geological and Geophysical Investigation of Pearl Hot Spring, Nevada CX(s) Applied: A9, B3.1, B3.6 Date: 01/08/2013 Location(s): Nevada Offices(s): Golden Field Office
Development of a Low Cost Method to Estimate the Seismic Signature of a Geothermal Field from Ambient Seismic Noise Analysis CX(s) Applied: A9, B3.1 Date: 09/11/2012 Location(s): Nevada Offices(s): Golden Field Office