Categorical Exclusion Determinations: Nationwide

Solid State Processing of Fully Dense Anisotropic Nanocomposite Magnets CX(s) Applied: B3.6Date: 03/21/2013 Location(s): Multiple LocationsOffices(s): Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy
Renewable Platform for Production of Sesquiterpene Aviation Fuels & Fuel Additives from Renewable Feedstocks CX(s) Applied: B3.6Date: 03/21/2013 Location(s): Multiple LocationsOffices(s): Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy
Carbon Dioxide Thickeners to Improve the Performance of Carbon Dioxide Enhanced Oil Recovery and Carbon Dioxide Fracturing CX(s) Applied: B3.6Date: 03/20/2013 Location(s): Multiple LocationsOffices(s): Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy
Power Generation Using Anchored, Buoyancy-Induced Columnar Vortices: The Solar Vortex (SoV) CX(s) Applied: B3.6, B5.15Date: 03/11/2013 Location(s): Multiple LocationsOffices(s): Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy
Lithium-Rich Anti-Perovskites as Superionic Solid Electrolytes CX(s) Applied: B3.6Date: 02/06/2013 Location(s): Multiple LocationsOffices(s): Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy
Ultra High-Performance Supercapacitor by Using Tailor-Made Molecular Spacer Grafted Graphene CX(s) Applied: B3.6Date: 02/06/2013 Location(s): Multiple LocationsOffices(s): Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy