Categorical Exclusion Determinations: Idaho

Interim Storage Area for Interim Storage Containers (ISCs) at the Radioactive Scrap and Waste Facility (RSWF) CX(s) Applied: B6.6 Date: 08/16/2013 Location(s): Idaho Offices(s): Nuclear Energy
2013 Spokane District Wood pole Replacement Projects CX(s) Applied: B1.3 Date: 07/31/2013 Location(s): Washington, Washington, Washington, Washington, Idaho Offices(s): Bonneville Power Administration
Relocation of National and Homeland Security (N&HS) activities from Transient Reactor Experiment and Test Facility (TREAT) to Critical Infrastructure Test Range Complex (CITRC) CX(s) Applied: B1.15 Date: 07/30/2013 Location(s): Idaho Offices(s): Nucle...