Categorical Exclusion Determinations: Golden Field Office

State Energy Program - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Green Jobs Training Program - College of the DesertCX(s) Applied: B5.1Date: 09/20/2010Location(s): CaliforniaOffice(s): Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Golden Field Office
State Energy Program - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: Soliant Energy 40 Megawatt Solar Manufacturing PlantCX(s) Applied: B5.1Date: 09/20/2010Location(s): CaliforniaOffice(s): Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Golden Field Office
Closed Loop Short Rotation Woody Biomass Energy Crops, Pending Renewable of Grant AwardCX(s) Applied: B3.6, B3.8, B5.1Date: 09/17/2010Location(s): New YorkOffice(s): Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Golden Field Office
Oak Ridge City Center Technology Demonstration ProjectCX(s) Applied: A9Date: 09/16/2010Location(s): TennesseeOffice(s): Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Golden Field Office
Improved Structure and Fabrication of Large, High-Power Kinetic Hydropower System Rotors - Year 2CX(s) Applied: A9, B3.1, B5.1Date: 09/16/2010Location(s): New YorkOffice(s): Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Golden Field Office
Wave Energy Research and Demonstration Center-ContinuationCX(s) Applied: A9, B3.1, B3.3Date: 09/16/2010Location(s): OregonOffice(s): Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Golden Field Office
Economic and Environmental Assessment of Switchgrass Production on High-Fertility Soil and an Assessment of Anaerobic Digesters as an Intermediate MarketCX(s) Applied: A9, B3.6, B3.8, B5.1Date: 09/16/2010Location(s): IllinoisOffice(s): Energy Efficienc...
Hawaii Renewable Energy Development VentureCX(s) Applied: A9, B3.6, B5.1Date: 09/16/2010Location(s): HawaiiOffice(s): Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Golden Field Office
Bio-Diesel Cellulosic Ethanol Research ProjectCX(s) Applied: A9Date: 09/16/2010Location(s): Hendry County, FloridaOffice(s): Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Golden Field Office
Multi-Level Energy Storage and Controls for Large-Scale Wind Energy IntegrationCX(s) Applied: A9, B3.6Date: 09/16/2010Location(s): ColoradoOffice(s): Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Golden Field Office