Categorical Exclusion Determinations: Brookhaven Site Office

Categorical Exclusion Determinations issued by Brookhaven Site Office.


Work for Others (WFO) Proposals and Cooperative/collaborative Research and Development Agreements (CRADA) at Brookhaven National Laboratory CX(s) Applied: B3.6, B3.8, B3.15 Date: 07/19/2012 Location(s): New York Offices(s): Brookhaven Site Office
Utility Energy Service Contract Closed Loop Centrifugal Chiller at the Central Chilled Water Facility CX(s) Applied: B1.5, B2.1 Date: 07/10/2012 Location(s): New York Offices(s): Brookhaven Site Office
Install Extension of the Underground Natural Gas Line From Its Current Termination Point CX(s) Applied: B5.5 Date: 03/13/2012 Location(s): New York Offices(s): Brookhaven Site Office
Demolish Cottages Formerly Utilized as Summer Housing Identified as Building 368, Units 1 - 30CX(s) Applied: B1.23Date: 05/19/2011Location(s): Brookhaven, New YorkOffice(s): Science, Brookhaven Site Office
Demolish Building 51 at Brookhaven National Laboratory and Dispose of Materials According to Classification as Hazardous or Clean Construction DebrisCX(s) Applied: B1.23Date: 08/05/2010Location(s): New YorkOffice(s): Brookhaven Site Office