Categorical Exclusion Determinations: B5.1

Final Rule for New and Amended Energy Conservation Standards for Metal Halide Lamp Fixtures CX(s) Applied: B5.1 Date: 01/29/2014 Location(s): CX: none Offices(s): Golden Field Office
Mission Support Alliance Annual Categorical Exclusion for Actions to Conserve Energy or Water under 10 CFR 1021, Subpart D, Appendix B, B5.1 for Calendar Year 2014 CX(s) Applied: B5.1 Date: 12/02/2013 Location(s): Washington Offices(s): River Protecti...
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for Energy Conservation Standards for General Service Fluorescent Lamps and Incandescent Reflector Lamps CX(s) Applied: B5.1 Date: 11/21/2013 Location(s): Nationwide Offices(s): Golden Field Office
Construction and Maintenance Activities at Existing Field Offices and Operation Centers CX(s) Applied: B1.3, B1.4, B1.11, B1.16, B1.17, B1.27, B1.31, B1.33, B1.34, B2.2, B2.3, B2.5, B4.7, B5.1, B5.16, B5.17, B5.23 Date: 10/17/2013 Location(s): CX: non...