Categorical Exclusion Determinations: B4.13

This page lists categorical exclusion determinations that apply B4.13. DOE has revised the text of B4.13 through rulemaking. To determine the applicable text, compare the date the categorical exclusion was signed to the DOE regulations in effect at that time.

As of May 30, 2024, the full text of this categorical exclusion is:

B4.13 Upgrading and rebuilding existing powerlines

Upgrading or rebuilding existing electric powerlines, which may involve relocations of small segments of the powerlines within an existing powerline right-of-way or within otherwise previously disturbed or developed lands (as discussed at 10 CFR 1021.410(g)(1)). Upgrading or rebuilding existing electric powerlines also may involve widening an existing powerline right-of-way to meet current electrical standards if the widening remains within previously disturbed or developed lands and only extends into a small area beyond such lands as needed to comply with applicable electrical standards. Covered actions would be in accordance with applicable requirements, including the integral elements listed at the start of appendix B of this part; and would incorporate appropriate design and construction standards, control technologies, and best management practices. This categorical exclusion does not apply to underwater powerlines. As used in this categorical exclusion, “small” has the meaning discussed at 10 CFR 1021.410(g)(2).

From November 14, 2011, through May 29, 2024, the full text of this categorical exclusion was:

B4.13 Upgrading and rebuilding existing powerlines

Upgrading or rebuilding approximately 20 miles in length or less of existing electric powerlines, which may involve minor relocations of small segments of the powerlines.

From January 6, 1997, through November 13, 2011, the full text of this categorical exclusion was: 

B4.13 Reconstruction and minor relocation of existing electric powerlines approximately 20 miles in length or less

Reconstruction (upgrading or rebuilding) and/or minor relocation of existing electric powerlines approximately 20 miles in length or less to enhance environmental and land use values. Such actions include relocations to avoid right-of-way encroachments, resolve conflict with property development, accommodate road/highway construction, allow for the construction of facilities such as canals and pipelines, or reduce existing impacts to environmentally sensitive areas.

Rifle and Craig Substation Modifications and Approach Spans Re-Conductoring Garfield County, Rifle, Colorado and Moffat County, Craig, Colorado CX(s) Applied: B4.6, B4.13 Date: 05/22/2012 Location(s): Colorado Offices(s): Western Area Power Administra...
Revolution Energy Services (RES) Agriculture (Ag) – Forest Glen Oaks LLC Biomass Project CX(s) Applied: B4.13 Date: 05/16/2012 Location(s): Oregon Offices(s): Bonneville Power Administration
Torrington-Wildcat 69 Kilovolt Transmission Line Rebuild Project CX(s) Applied: B4.13 Date: 04/02/2012 Location(s): Wyoming Offices(s): Western Area Power Administration-Rocky Mountain Region
Reroute of Jamestown-Grand Forks 230 Kilovolt Transmission Line Near Hannaford, North DakotaCX(s) Applied: B4.13Date: 07/26/2011Location(s): Hannaford, North DakotaOffice(s): Western Area Power Administration-Upper Great Plains Region
North Bonneville-Ross #1 230-Kilovolt, North Bonneville-Troutdale #2 230-Kilovolt Transmission Line MaintenanceCX(s) Applied: B4.13Date: 06/14/2011Location(s): Clark County, WashingtonOffice(s): Bonneville Power Administration
Casa Grande-Empire Double Circuit Upgrade AmendmentCX(s) Applied: B4.13Date: 04/28/2011Location(s): Pinal County, ArizonaOffice(s): Western Area Power Administration-Desert Southwest Region