Categorical Exclusion Determinations: B3.3

Site Characterization, Monitoring, and General Research Activities for Pantex Plant for FY 2014 CX(s) Applied: B3.1, B3.3, B3.6, B3.8 Date: 09/26/2013 Location(s): Texas Offices(s): Pantex Site Office
Road Maintenance on roads Used to Access Groundwater Monitoring Wells South of the Tuba City, Arizona, Uranium Mill Tailing Remedial Action Title I Site CX(s) Applied: B1.3, B3.3, B6.1 Date: 05/28/2013 Location(s): Arizona Offices(s): Legacy Management
Partial Validation of Coupled Models and Optimization of Materials for Offshore Wind Structures CX(s) Applied: B3.3, B3.16, B5.18 Date: 11/05/2012 Location(s): Maine Offices(s): Golden Field Office
Underwater Active Acoustic Monitoring Network for Marine and Hydrokinetic Energy Projects CX(s) Applied: B3.3 Date: 09/24/2012 Location(s): Maine Offices(s): Golden Field Office