Categorical Exclusion Determinations: B2.5

Replace the Bartex Level Instrumentation for HB-Line Tanks NT-31/32 With Radar Level Instrumentation CX(s) Applied: B2.5Date: 08/20/2015 Location(s): South CarolinaOffices(s): Savannah River Operations Office
735-A, D-Wing, Main Floor - ARGUS and ANSUL Halon Suppression Systems Replacement CX(s) Applied: B2.5Date: 08/13/2015 Location(s): South CarolinaOffices(s): Savannah River Operations Office
NWTC Bldg. 251 Roof & RTU-1 Replacement Project, NREL Tracking No. 15-007 Award Number: DE-AC36-08GO28308 CX(s) Applied: B1.16, B2.5, B1.14, B5.1, DOE/EA 1914 National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Date: 06/05/15 Location(s): CO Office(s):...