Categorical Exclusion Determinations: B1.32

Stillaguamish Tribe Proposes to Expand its Stillaguamish Tribe Transit ServicesCX(s) Applied: A1, B1.32, B5.1Date: 05/11/2010Location(s): WashingtonOffice(s): Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Development of the Energy Efficiency Conservation StrategyCX(s) Applied: A1, B1.32, B2.5, B5.1Date: 04/30/2010Location(s): Cedar Hill, TexasOffice(s): Civilian Radioactive Waste Management, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Cedar Hill's Development of the Energy Efficiency Conservation StrategyCX(s) Applied: B1.32, B2.5, A1, B5.1Date: 04/30/2010Location(s): Cedar Hill, TexasOffice(s): Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Fall River's Energy Efficiency and Conservation StrategyCX(s) Applied: B1.32, B2.5, B3.6, A9, A11, B5.1Date: 04/29/2010Location(s): Fall River, MassachusettsOffice(s): Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy