Categorical Exclusion Determinations: B1.27

690-N (Ford Building) Fire System Isolation and Sanitary Sewer GroutingCX(s) Applied: B1.27Date: 09/02/2009Location(s): Aiken, South CarolinaOffice(s): Environmental Management, Savannah River Operations Office
Electrical Isolations of Various Trailers and Handi-House, A-AreaCX(s) Applied: B1.27Date: 08/31/2009Location(s): Aiken, South CarolinaOffice(s): Environmental Management, Savannah River Operations Office
Electrical Isolation of Buildings 742-4A and 742-5ACX(s) Applied: B1.27Date: 08/18/2009Location(s): Aiken, South CarolinaOffice(s): Environmental Management, Savannah River Operations Office