Categorical Exclusion Determinations: B1.16

Materials Characterization Laboratory & Radiological/Environment, Safety and Health Training Facility Construction Project CX(s) Applied: B1.15, B1.16, B1.17, B1.23, B1.33, B3.15 Date: 02/18/2014 Location(s): New York Offices(s): Naval Nuclear Propuls...
Routine Maintenance Activities CX(s) Applied: B1.3, B1.4, B1.5, B1.6, B1.7, B1.8, B1.11, B1.13, B1.15, B1.16, B1.17, B1.21, B1.22, B1.23, B1.27, B1.28, B1.31, B1.32, B2.1, B2.2, B2.3, B2.5 Date: 01/26/2014 Location(s): New Jersey Offices(s): Princeton...
Mission Support Alliance Annual Categorical Exclusion for Asbestos Removal under 10 CFR 1021, Subpart D, Appendix B, B1.16 for Calendar Year 2014 CX(s) Applied: B1.16 Date: 12/02/2013 Location(s): Washington Offices(s): River Protection-Richland Opera...
Replace Potable Water Supply Line: Phase Two (Project Modification) CX(s) Applied: B1.3, B1.16, B1.32 Date: 10/24/2013 Location(s): Pennsylvania Offices(s): National Energy Technology Laboratory
Construction and Maintenance Activities at Existing Field Offices and Operation Centers CX(s) Applied: B1.3, B1.4, B1.11, B1.16, B1.17, B1.27, B1.31, B1.33, B1.34, B2.2, B2.3, B2.5, B4.7, B5.1, B5.16, B5.17, B5.23 Date: 10/17/2013 Location(s): CX: non...
Replace Potable Water Supply Lines: Phase Two CX(s) Applied: B1.3, B1.16, B1.32, B2.2 Date: 09/16/2013 Location(s): Pennsylvania Offices(s): National Energy Technology Laboratory
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Upgrades of the Field Test Laboratory Building and the Solar Energy Research Facility at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory South Table Mountain Campus CX(s) Applied: B1.16 Date: 09/13/2013 Location(s):...