DOE’s Bonneville Power Administration is preparing an EIS that evaluates the potential environmental impacts of funding a proposal by the Confederated Tribes of the Yakama Nation to upgrade facilities at the Klickitat Hatchery, which is operated jointly by the Yakama Nation and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. The upgrades would update old facilities and facilitate a possible increase in production of spring Chinook salmon. Proposed upgrades include improving water intakes, discharge piping, and pumps; rebuilding the pollution abatement system; updating sections of the hatchery building; and adding rearing tanks, a storage building, and possibly staff residences. Additional information is available at Klickitat Hatchery Spring Chinook Upgrades - Bonneville Power Administration (
In February 2023, BPA issued notice to advise the public that BPA is terminating the preparation of the Klickitat Hatchery Upgrades EIS and instead will prepare an EA (DOE/EA-2207).