EIS-0185: Remedial Action at the Chemical Plant Area of Weldon Spring; St. Charles County, MO


In 1984, DOE initiated DOE/EIS-0117 on the potential environmental impacts of alternatives for long-term management of contaminated materials associated with remediation of the Weldon Spring site in St. Charles County, Missouri. After issuing the draft EIS in 1987, DOE cancelled that EIS because new information relevant to environmental concerns became available and EPA requested that DOE prepare a remedial investigation/feasibility study (RI/FS) pursuant to the requirements of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), as amended.

Using scoping comments and comments received on draft DOE/EIS-0117, DOE prepared an RI/FS for remedial action at the chemical plant area of the site and incorporated NEPA values at the EIS level, including by conducting public review of the RI/FS and responding to comments. This approach resulted in an “RI/FS-EIS” consistent with DOE policy at that time to integrate NEPA values with CERCLA requirements in a single environmental review process.

Unlike an EIS, an RI/FS is not issued as a draft for comment. Draft DOE/EIS-0185 (November 1992) consists of the components of the RI/FS: baseline assessment, feasibility study, proposed plan, remedial investigation, and addendum to the remedial investigation. Final DOE/EIS-0185 consists of these documents, which were not reissued, and an additional volume of responses to comments (June 1993).