DOE/EIS-0571: Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Hub


The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) (DOE/EIS-0571) to assess the potential impacts to the human environment for the proposed action of providing financial assistance to the Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Association (also referred to as the PNWH2 Association). This action would facilitate the design, construction, operation and maintenance of the Pacific Northwest Regional Hydrogen Hub (Pacific Northwest Hub) including in the states of Washington, Oregon, and Montana. The Pacific Northwest Hub would demonstrate the production of clean hydrogen from renewable energy resources and would consist of a suite of demonstration projects involving clean hydrogen production, transportation, and end uses located within the Pacific Northwest.  

As currently proposed, the Hub would encompass approximately 10 projects, including clean hydrogen production facilities that could produce 300-400 metric tons per day of clean hydrogen, hydrogen liquefiers, connective infrastructure including refueling stations and pipelines, and a range of end uses including fuel cell electric trucks, fuel cell electric buses, cargo handling equipment, and stationary fuel cells. 

The EIS will evaluate the potential impacts associated with the types of hydrogen infrastructure and technologies proposed in the Pacific Northwest Hub, such as impacts from electricity and water usage and rates of emissions, that are inherent to the technologies and infrastructure regardless of where they may be deployed. The EIS will help inform DOE’s decision as to whether to carry the Pacific Northwest Hub forward for project-specific funding decisions but will not directly authorize funding for specific Pacific Northwest Hub projects.   

If DOE decides to provide funding for the construction and operation of the Pacific Northwest Hub, DOE will analyze the potential site-specific environmental effects of individual proposed projects and make site-specific funding decisions. In addition to being subject to DOE’s NEPA review, with associated public scoping and comment periods as appropriate, individual projects would be required to adhere to the requirements of all applicable Federal, State, and local laws and regulations.   

DOE will be the lead federal agency in the preparation of the EIS.  

What’s New 

December 2024 - Pursuant to the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the DOE has determined that an EIS is required to inform a decision on whether to provide federal funding to Pacific Northwest Association in support the Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Hub. DOE welcomes your input on the proposed scope of the EIS on or before March 3, 2025

 Project Schedule 

Milestone Anticipated Date 
Start date December 13, 2024 
Publication of NOI December 18, 2024 
Virtual public scoping meeting January 22, 2025 
Public scoping period ends March 3, 2025  
Analyze scoping comments and prepare EIS January 2025 – August 2025 
Issuance of Draft EIS August 2025 
Public comment period for Draft EIS August 2025 – October 2025 
Issuance of Final EIS April 2026 
Issuance of Record of Decision May 2026 

 Public Comment Opportunities 

Attend Public Scoping Meetings  

 As part of the NEPA scoping process, DOE will host one virtual public scoping meeting and two in-person meetings to provide an opportunity to gather information necessary to prepare an EIS for the Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Hub. All three meetings are open to the public and free to attend. The in-person meetings will be open-house style, and the public is welcome to come and go at any point throughout the 3-hour meeting duration.  

 Virtual Meeting: 

 As part of the NEPA scoping process and to provide an opportunity to gather information necessary to prepare an EIS, DOE will hold one virtual public scoping meeting at the following date and time: 

Wednesday, January 22, 2025, from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Pacific Time 

Registration link:

For additional information about the virtual meeting, see Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Hub (PNWH2) Environmental Impact Statement - Virtual Public Meeting — 

In-Person Meetings: 

February 11, 2025, 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm

Holiday Inn Portland, Columbia Riverfront
909 N. Hayden Island Drive, Portland, OR 97217

February 13, 2025, 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm

Consolidated Information Center, Room 120
Washington State University Tri-Cities campus
2770 University Drive, Richland, WA 99354

Provide Written Scoping Comments  

DOE welcomes written comments on the scope of the EIS until March 3, 2025. Comments will be accepted and considered at any time during the EIS process. However, commenters should be aware that their comments should be timely for them to be fully considered. 

To provide written comments through the web portal:  

Navigate to, search for Docket No. DOE-HQ-2024-0094, and follow the instructions for submitting comments. 

To provide comments by mail or hand delivery service, please address your comments to:  


c/o AECOM 

3005 Center Green Drive, Ste 205 

Boulder, CO 80301 

Additional Information 

 Learn more about Hydrogen Hubs at: Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs | Department of Energy 

Additional project information is also available at:  Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Hub (PNWH2) | Department of Energy 

For further information about the EIS email: [email protected]