DOE/EIS-0551: CP2 LNG and CP Express Project


The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is preparing an EIS that assesses the potential environmental impacts of the CP2 LNG and CP Express Project, a proposed liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminal in Cameron Parish, Louisiana, and associated pipelines and facilities in Jasper and Newton Counties, Texas,  and Calcasieu and Cameron Parishes, Louisiana.

DOE is a cooperating agency in preparing the EIS. DOE, Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management, has an obligation under Section 3 of the Natural Gas Act to authorize the import and export of natural gas, including LNG, unless it finds that the import or export is not consistent with the public interest. (DOE's participation as a cooperating agency and assignment of a document number are not a commitment that DOE will adopt or supplement the EIS.)

For additional information, see the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management docket for this project. Natural Gas EAs and EISs that FERC issues as the lead agency are available on the FERC Natural Gas Natural Gas Environmental Documents website.