DOE/EA-2202: Construction and Consolidation of Office of Secure Transportation Campus at Pantex; Carson County, TX


National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) is preparing an Environmental Assessment to evaluate a proposed project to consolidate and modernize the Agent Operations Central Command (AOCC) at the Pantex Plant. The Proposed Action includes the extension of utilities and construction of updated OST facilities over a 10-year period on an adjacent, vacant parcel acquired from Pantex. The project would ensure that adequate facility and infrastructure resources are available for OST mission operations and improve overall operation efficiency through consolidation of site access requirements.

Public Comment Opportunities

NNSA is making a draft Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Construction and Consolidation of the Office of Secure Transportation (OST) Campus at Pantex, Carson County, Texas (DOE/EA-2202, January 2023) available for public review and comment. NNSA invites Federal and state agencies, state and local governments, Native American Tribes, industry, other organizations, and members of the public to submit comments on the draft EA through February 6, 2023.

Written comments on the Draft EA should be submitted no later than February 6, 2023, and sent to:

Lisa Swift
P.O. Box 5400, Kirkland AFB East
Albuquerque, NM 87185


Email: [email protected]

Please include your name and mailing address or email address with your comments so a response to your comment can be sent to you.