DOE prepared an environmental assessment (DOE/EA-2063) for a proposal to expand the capabilities at Idaho National Laboratory's (INL) National Security Test Range and Radiological Response Training Range. Both ranges support the training of first responders from defense and homeland security organizations who are charged with safeguarding the public and protecting U.S. national security.
Due to continued growth and need, DOE proposes to increase the testing capabilities at each range allowing for the use of unmanned aerial systems, additional explosive materials and additional radioisotopes for testing and training purposes. DOE proposes to expand the capabilities of each range allowing for the installation of permanent structures and utilities, an increase in the frequency of range activities, and an increase in testing capabilities. DOE proposes to equip each range with permanent infrastructure which may include offices, classrooms, and conference rooms, restrooms and kitchen facilities. Fixed utility infrastructure providing electricity, roadways, testing pads and fencing are also proposed.