A. - Categorical Exclusions Applicable to General Agency Actions
A1 - Routine DOE business actions
A2 - Clarifying or administrative contract actions
A3 - Certain actions by Office of Hearings and Appeals
A4 - Interpretations and rulings for existing regulations
A5 - Interpretive rulemakings with no change in environmental effect
A6 - Procedural rulemakings
A7 - [Reserved]
A8 - Awards of certain contracts
A9 - Information gathering, analysis, and dissemination
A10 - Reports and recommendations on non-DOE legislation
A11 - Technical advice and assistance to organizations
A12 - Emergency preparedness planning
A13 - Procedural Documents
A14 - Approval of technical exchange arrangements
A15 - International agreements for energy research and development
B1. - Categorical Exclusions Applicable to Facility Operation
B1.1 - Changing rates and prices
B1.2 - Training exercises and simulations
B1.3 - Routine maintenance
B1.4 - Air conditioning systems for existing equipment
B1.5 - Existing steam plants and cooling water systems
B1.6 - Tanks and equipment to control runoff and spills
B1.7 - Electronic equipment
B1.8 - Screened water intake and outflow structures
B1.9 - Airway safety markings and painting
B1.10 - Onsite storage of activated material
B1.11 - Fencing
B1.12 - Detonation or burning of explosives or propellants after testing
B1.13 - Pathways, short access roads, and rail lines
B1.14 - Refueling of nuclear reactors
B1.15 - Support buildings
B1.16 - Asbestos removal
B1.17 - Polychlorinated biphenyl removal
B1.18 - Water supply wells
B1.19 - Microwave, meteorological, and radio towers
B1.20 - Protection of cultural resources, fish and wildlife habitat
B1.21 - Noise abatement
B1.22 - Relocation of buildings
B1.23 - Demolition and disposal of buildings
B1.24 - Property transfers
B1.25 - Real property transfers for cultural resources protection, habitat preservation, and wildlife management
B1.26 - Small water treatment facilities
B1.27 - Disconnection of utilities
B1.28 - Placing a facility in an environmentally safe condition
B1.29 - Disposal facilities for construction and demolition waste
B1.30 - Transfer actions
B1.31 - Installation or relocation of machinery and equipment
B1.32 - Traffic flow adjustments
B1.33 - Stormwater runoff control
B1.34 - Lead-based paint containment, removal, and disposal
B1.35 - Drop-off, collection and transfer facilities for recyclable materials
B1.36 - Determinations of excess real property
B2. - Categorical Exclusions Applicable to Safety and Health
B2.1 - Workplace enhancements
B2.2 - Building and equipment instrumentation
B2.3 - Personnel safety and health equipment
B2.4 - Equipment qualification
B2.5 - Facility safety and environmental improvements
B2.6 - Recovery of radioactive sealed sources
B3. - Categorical Exclusions Applicable to Site Characterization, Monitoring, and General Research
B3.1 - Site characterization and environmental monitoring
B3.2 - Aviation activities
B3.3 - Research related to conservation of fish, wildlife, and cultural resources
B3.4 - Transport packaging tests for radioactive or hazardous material
B3.5 - Tank car tests
B3.6 - Small-scale research and development, laboratory operations, and pilot projects
B3.7 - New terrestrial infill exploratory and experimental wells
B3.8 - Outdoor terrestrial ecological and environmental research
B3.9 - Projects to reduce emissions and waste generation
B3.10 - Particle accelerators
B3.11 - Outdoor tests and experiments on materials and equipment components
B3.12 - Microbiological and biomedical facilities
B3.13 - Magnetic fusion experiments
B3.14 - Small-scale educational facilities
B3.15 - Small-scale indoor research and development projects using nanoscale materials
B3.16 - Research activities in aquatic environments
B4. - Categorical Exclusions Applicable to Electrical Power and Transmission
B4.1 - Contracts, policies, and marketing and allocation plans for electric power
B4.2 - Export of electric energy
B4.3 - Electric power marketing rate changes
B4.4 - Power marketing services and activities
B4.5 - Temporary adjustments to river operations
B4.6 - Additions and modifications to transmission facilities
B4.7 - Fiber optic cable
B4.8 - Electricity transmission agreements
B4.9 - Multiple use of powerline rights-of-way
B4.10 - Removal of electric transmission facilities
B4.11 - Electric power substations and interconnection facilities
B4.12 - Construction of powerlines
B4.13 - Upgrading and rebuilding existing powerlines
B4.14 - Construction and operation of electrochemical-battery or flywheel energy storage systems
B5. - Categorical Exclusions Applicable to Conservation, Fossil, and Renewable Energy Activities
B5.1 - Actions to conserve energy or water
B5.2 - Modifications to pumps and piping
B5.3 - Modification or abandonment of wells
B5.4 - Repair or replacement of pipelines
B5.5 - Short pipeline segments
B5.6 - Oil spill cleanup
B5.7 - Export of natural gas and associated transportation by marine vessel
B5.8 - [Reserved]
B5.9 - Temporary exemptions for electric powerplants
B5.10 - Certain permanent exemptions for existing electric powerplants
B5.11 - Permanent exemptions allowing mixed natural gas and petroleum
B5.12 - Workover of existing wells
B5.13 - Experimental wells for injection of small quantities of carbon dioxide
B5.14 - Combined heat and power or cogeneration systems
B5.15 - Small-scale renewable energy research and development and pilot projects
B5.16 - Solar photovoltaic systems
B5.17 - Solar thermal systems
B5.18 - Wind turbines
B5.19 - Ground source heat pumps
B5.20 - Biomass power plants
B5.21 - Methane gas recovery and utilization systems
B5.22 - Alternative fuel vehicle fueling stations
B5.23 - Electric vehicle charging stations
B5.24 - Drop-in hydroelectric systems
B5.25 - Small-scale renewable energy research and development and pilot projects in aquatic environments
B6. - Categorical Exclusions Applicable to Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Activities
B6.1 - Cleanup actions
B6.2 - Waste collection, treatment, stabilization, and containment facilities
B6.3 - Improvements to environmental control systems
B6.4 - Facilities for storing packaged hazardous waste for 90 days or less
B6.5 - Facilities for characterizing and sorting packaged waste and overpacking waste
B6.6 - Modification of facilities for storing, packaging, and repacking waste
B6.7 - [Reserved]
B6.8 - Modifications for waste minimization and reuse of materials
B6.9 - Measures to reduce migration of contaminated groundwater
B6.10 - Upgraded or replacement waste storage facilities
B7. - Categorical Exclusions Applicable to International Activities
B7.1 - Emergency measures under the International Energy Program
B7.2 - Import and export of special nuclear or isotopic materials