Starmer’s Gulch Floodplain Statement of Findings for the Fencing Project at Technical Area-08 at LANL.
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
January 6, 2020Starmer’s Gulch Floodplain Statement of Findings for the Fencing Project at Technical Area-08 at Los Alamos National Laboratory
The Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration’s Los Alamos Field Office (NA-LA) has issued a Floodplain Statement of Findings, Los Alamos National Laboratory Starmer’s Gulch Floodplain Assessment for the Fencing Project at Technical Area-08. NA-LA is proposing to take action within the Starmer’s Gulch 100-year floodplain at Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Technical Area-08. The action consists of the installation of approximately 4-5 T-posts by hand and strung with barbed 3-wire perimeter fence to create an operational boundary marker within TA-08. NA-LA took into account all substantive comments received on the Floodplain Assessment and, in accordance with 10 CFR 1022.
For more information, see Starmer’s Gulch Floodplain Assessment.