The Department of Energy (DOE) proposes the installation of a fiber optic cable at the Savannah River Site.
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
July 17, 2023Savannah River Site (SRS) Floodplain Statement of Findings for the Installation of a Fiber Optic Cable from U.S. Forest Service - Savannah River Headquarters to the Advanced Tactical Training Area at SRS
DOE has issued a Floodplain Statement of Finding for the proposed installation of a fiber optic cable from the USFS-HQ building to the ATTA on the Savannah River Site (SRS). The proposed installation is intended to connect the ATTA to the site’s existing fiber optic network. The project activities within the 100-year floodplain include portions of the installation crossing two streams on-site [Upper Three Run (UTR) and Tinker Creek(TC)]; floodplains and wetlands are associated with both streams. Directional boring will be used to install the cable under UTR and UC, avoiding impacts to the streambeds.
For more information, see Savannah River Site Floodplain and Wetland Assessment for the Installation of a Fiber Optic Cable from U.S. Forest Service - Savannah River Headquarters to the Advanced Tactical Training Area at SRS.