Regional Groundwater Monitoring Well SIMR-3 and Access Road Improvements Final Floodplain Assessment and Statement of Findings

Final Floodplain Assessment and Statement of Findings for Regional Groundwater Monitoring Well SIMR-3 and Access Road Improvements.

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

May 9, 2024
minute read time

Regional Groundwater Monitoring Well SIMR-3 and Access Road Improvements Final Floodplain Assessment and Statement of Findings

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Environmental Management Los Alamos Field Office (EM-LA) is issuing this final Floodplain Assessment and Statement of Findings for the installation of a new groundwater monitoring well, San Ildefonso Mortandad Regional 3 (SIMR-3), in Mortandad Canyon on Pueblo de San Ildefonso lands near Los Alamos National Laboratory. 

The proposed action would include the construction of a well pad; drilling and installation of a monitoring well; well development; site stabilization and revegetation. Access roads to the project area will also be improved. The primary objective of the proposed action is to increase monitoring capability along the southern boundary of the hexavalent chromium plume. SIMR-3 is being proposed in cooperation with Pueblo de San Ildefonso.