DOE has prepared interim guidance on NEPA reviews for electric transmission projects. DOE is requesting public review and comment on this interim guidance. The comment period ends on February 18, 2025.
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
January 17, 2025Below are interim guidance documents that will streamline and enhance the quality of environmental reviews for electric (land-based) transmission projects.
Consideration of Electrical Generation in NEPA Reviews of Electric Transmission Projects (Interim Guidance)
When reviewing a proposed new transmission line pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Department of Energy (DOE) often must determine whether to include an analysis of the environmental effects of electric generating facilities (power plant, solar installation, wind farm, etc.). This interim guidance discusses how to make this determination when preparing an environmental impact statement (EIS) or environmental assessment (EA) for electric transmission lines other than generation interconnection, or “gen-tie” lines, which enable a single planned generation facility to interconnect to the electric grid.
Consideration of Non-Transmission Alternatives in NEPA Reviews of Electric Transmission Projects (Interim Guidance)
DOE prepared this interim guidance to discuss whether non-transmission alternatives are required to be analyzed in an EIS for a proposed transmission line.
Glossary of Key Regulatory Terms for Environmental Analysis of Transmission Projects (Interim Guidance)
Projects involving electric transmission lines may trigger reviews under multiple environmental laws. The laws that are most commonly applicable to electric transmission lines include NEPA (42 U.S. Code [USC] 4321 et seq.), Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA, 54 USC 306108, formerly 16 USC 470f), and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA, 33 USC 1344), although other laws and regulations may be applicable to particular projects. Further, if transmission projects may affect protected species, they could also require agency compliance with the Endangered Species Act (ESA, 16 USC 1531 et seq.), Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGEPA, 16 USC 668-668d), Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA, 16 USC 703-712), or other laws.
Each of these interim guidance documents are available to download as a pdf file below.
Public Comment Opportunities
DOE invites public review and comment on this interim guidance. In your correspondence, please use the subject "Interim Guidance." Please submit your comments by February 18, 2025, via email to [email protected].