Floodplain Assessment and Floodplain Statement of Findings for the NM State Road 4 and East Jemez Road Intersection at LANL

Floodplain assessment for improving the intersection of New Mexico State Road 4 and East Jemez Road at LANL. Comment period ends July 14, 2020.

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

June 23, 2020
minute read time

Floodplain Assessment for the NM State Road 4 and East Jemez Road Intersection at LANL

DOE's National Nuclear Security Administration’s Los Alamos Field Office (DOE/NNSA) prepared a floodplain assessment and floodplain statement of findings for the proposed improvement of the intersection of New Mexico State Road 4 and East Jemez Road at Los Alamos National Laboratory. DOE/NNSA proposes to modify and upgrade the intersection to improve safety and increase the capacity and efficiency of the intersection.

See related Revision of Floodplain Statement of Findings Technical Area-72 Shooting Range Facility at LANL.