EIS-0441: Record of Decision

A decision to allow interconnection of a wind farm in Mohave County, Arizona, to WAPA’s transmission line.

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

May 10, 2019
minute read time

Mohave County Wind Farm Project; Mohave County, Arizona

The Bureau of Land Management, with Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) as a cooperating agency, prepared an EIS for an applicant‑proposed wind‑powered electrical generation facility in Mohave County, Arizona. WAPA announced its decision to allow interconnection of the wind farm to WAPA’s Mead‑Peacock 345-kV transmission line; to construct, own, and operate a new switchyard; and to replace or upgrade certain equipment within the existing Mead Substation at the applicant’s expense.

For more information, see Mohave County Wind Farm Project.