SWPA System-wide Operations and Maintenance Activities and Integrated Vegetation Management Program
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
February 1, 2019SWPA System-wide Operations and Maintenance Activities and Integrated Vegetation Management Program
Southwestern Power Administration, a Power Marketing Administration within DOE, proposes to continue operations and maintenance and vegetation management activities under a management framework designed to provide maximum operational flexibility and enhance safety. The final EA and FONSI (DOE/EA-2074) evaluated and documented the environmental impacts of Southwestern’s operations in Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Missouri, which include high-voltage transmission lines, electrical substations, and a communications system that includes microwave, mobile radio, and fiber optics, in support of marketing hydroelectric power from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers multipurpose dams.
For more information, see SWPA System-wide Operations and Maintenance Activities and Integrated Vegetation Management Program.