EA-1665: Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact

Davis-Kingman Tap 69-kV Transmission Line Rebuild Project, Mohave County, Arizona

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

October 20, 2011
minute read time
Davis-Kingman Tap 69-kV Transmission Line Rebuild Project, Mohave County, Arizona For more information, contact: Ms. Linette King Desert Southwest Region Western Area Power Administration P.O. Box 6457 Phoenix, AZ 85005-6457 Telephone: 602-605-2434 Fax: 602-605-2630 Electronic mail: [email protected] The Western Area Power Administration (Western) plans to rebuild a 26.2-mile-long portion of the existing Davis-Kingman Tap 69-kilovolt (kV) Transmission Line located in Mohave County,Arizona. The existing Davis-Kingman Tap 69-kV Transmission Line originates in Bullhead City, Arizona, at the Davis Dam Switchyard and extends northwest of Kingman, Arizona, four spans east of Mohave Electric Cooperative's Kingman Tap Substation, and one span west of the line's connection to UNS Electric, Inc.'s 69-kV Coyote Pass-Kingman Transmission Line. Based on the findings and analysis in the EA, Western has determined that, with the resource protection measures, the Davis-Kingman Tap 69-kV Transmission Line Rebuild Project would not result in any significant environmental impacts.