Notice of intent for to prepare an EIS for HALEU Availability Program Activities in Support of Commercial Production of HALEU Fuel (DOE/EIS-0559). The EIS will evaluate implementation of facilitating the commercialization of HALEU production....
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
June 5, 2023High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium (HALEU) Availability Program Activities in Support of Commercial Production of HALEU Fuel
DOE intends to prepare an EIS for HALEU Availability Program Activities in Support of Commercial Production of HALEU Fuel (DOE/EIS-0559). The EIS will evaluate implementation of facilitating the commercialization of HALEU production and DOE’s acquisition of HALEU, including the direct and reasonably foreseeable indirect effects of that acquisition.
For more information, see High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium (HALEU) Availability Program Activities in Support of Commercial Production of HALEU Fuel.