DOE/EIS-0542: Interim Action Determination (May 25, 2021)

Interim Action Determination for DOE/EIS-0542, Versatile Test Reactor.

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

May 27, 2021
minute read time

Versatile Test Reactor; Idaho National Laboratory or Oak Ridge National Laboratory

In December 2020, DOE issued the draft environmental impact statement (DOE/EIS-0542) evaluating the potential environmental impacts of construction and operation of the Versatile Test Reactor. The draft EIS does not contain specific geotechnical data for the candidate site at the Materials and Fuels Complex at Idaho National Laboratory. There is an urgent need to complete geotechnical investigations to support preliminary design. DOE prepared an interim action determination for the proposed geotechnical investigations. 

For more information, see Versatile Test Reactor.